I became interested in web site rating and info. I love checking them out and giving my opinion on them. I have been able to do just that and get paid for it as well. UserTesting.com is amazing, you do have to take a test in order to be a tester. If you pass then you can get different tests to do on a daily or weekly basis. They pay you thru paypal. I really like these because they take very little time and I get to speak what I feel about the sites. Its nice to get paid a decent amount for your opinon and not have to click tons of survey responses. Something to think about if you like to be paid for speaking your mind :)
I do not get compensation for telling you about this site, I just really like it and its good for making extra money. Also FYI- when they mail you a test, you need to jump on it pretty fast, they dissapear quickly :)

Hello and welcome to The Joly Life. Here you will find reviews, technology, jewelry, rock and mineral cutting posts as well as recipes and family fun ideas. I am a mother of 3 and Blogger and Jewelry designer as well as a computer tech. You can find me on Facebook under The Joly Life, and JTCreationz and Jtcreationz Remote Computer Assistance if you need help. Browse my blog and enjoy! Great to have you!
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