Take a look here at that ranking. Yes I worked hard. Yes I wrote reviews and yes I had a A ranking with Amazon and AMZ. I have worked very hard and never wrote reviews that were biased or missing disclosures. I even used to go back and check often to make sure. So why was I removed? No real understanding. But it appears anyone under the 5k ranking is being targeted. Can you be next?
I am also removing my amazon affiliate account because why should I keep helping them to gain income from my blog? I highly suggest you all do some reading because apparently we are being canned due to the changes to the SELLER guidelines. I did some research into why amazon is eating peoples accounts and found a load of info.
Here is a good link for more info from Amazon.... We are not allowed to get coupons or discounts to review an item as now that is considered compensation even though in the review guidelines it states we must state if we received an item for free or at a discount.
So anyhow. All the work to gain ranking was for naught. But I am letting others know that this is happening now.
There is a bunch of guidelines that sellers have to follow and the reason that people are being removed is due to seller letting too many free items go. Then when a previously unknown item gains high ranking due to it being out there with review groups similar to Amz, or uberzon, and other *groups* and listings. When it gains a rank higher Amazon is calling that basically messing with the system because those items are getting the review. So here we go. I removed my self from all of the groups, email listings, and wanted to show you all what is being done to those reviewing items. This means to me in the future that all the groups and sites will be obsolete unless they add options like Tomoson where you can share your review on social media, and your blog. Hope this helps save your bacon before your account gets fried like mine.
Keep it Real Bloggers! I am not going anywhere just going to to back to old school social media and keep my sellers reaching me through my inbox. No more shady amazon.
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