This was the product discription and image I was shown prior to being able to test the product:

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On first look I was interested since I feed my daughter with the little suction bowls all the time and she loves them and it keeps messes down but she still manages to get food everywhere. So I was curious to see what she thought of the new *Dinner Toys* LOL.
Here is her new set. It has lots of Butterflies on it and she is our JadaBUGG so this was perfect for her. She was super stoked about her butterflies.
She was so busy watching the pattern while she was eating she wouldn't even look up at me for a picture.
She really liked the new bowl. And it holds better to her tray then some of my other ones for her do. This was the first time she would stay in the highchair and sit and eat and not say "I full" after about 5 mintues. She was just looking at the lil butterflies and pointing while she was stuffing her face with cereal.
Once she was done eating it was a snap to clean her up and wipe down the bib. Since these pictures I started taking the bib and mat with us and today we took her to a chinese resturant where she for the first time ate all her food and not ONE piece of noodle or fish or anything got on her or the FLOOR!!! The way this bib velcros the the mat is amazing and it really is a catch all. No more *oopsies* when you are out at a resturant, or having to make that 5 min trip to walmart because you accidently forgot a new outfit and baby just ate spaghetti! Those days are over for us!
This is the new bowl she got with her new mat and bib. It also comes with a lid and a spoon that is built to be hidden in the lid. This is great if you are on the go and don't want to forget anything. I totally love these products and will most likely order a few more so I have one handy no matter what vehicle I am in and so I dont forget it and since she loves them so much a few more of these bowls too. Who can have too much baby stuff when it works so well!
I rate this product 5/5 For sure and HIGHLY recommend it if you have kids and are tired of major messes getting out of control during mealtimes!
I received one or more of the products mentioned above for free using Regardless, I only recommend products or services I use personally and believe will be good for my readers.
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