Saturday, June 10, 2023

 Hello all. I have been away for a very long time. I am debating coming back to blogging full time. I have had a lot of health issues come up that have been making being on the computer harder. The last several years I have been unable to drive and so I have had to depend on others to get around and it really stinks. If you are seeing this. What would you like to see content wise on my blog?

Thank you so much. I will update soon.


Sunday, October 28, 2018

Bliss Dealer - Book Review

Bliss dealer is a different take on human trafficking. The way the general public sees trafficking is people are kidnapped and then sold into sex slavery. In this story, the way things happen are totally different.  Nicole is being paid to marry a man. He will be chosen carefully and her family will be paid handsomely for her to be married. Dingo takes Nicole and begins to coach her for 3 months on how to be the best wife and companion she can be. Her teachers take time to hear her take on what shes learn
ed and also to see what she thinks on her own about what a man would want in a potential wife.  What Dingo doesnt know is there is a secret about Nicole that the filipino knew about before choosing her. Her secret stays that way until a Special Agent tries to get Dingo to go to jail for his trafficking. There is a love story built into this complex book. It is worth the read to see what all you can learn about the behind the scenes of in effect a mail order bride. Where would you stand after reading this book? Do you think you would be ok with this form of trafficking or would you still throw it in the same category of sex trafficking, I would love to hear your thoughts on this book in the comments!

You can purchase Bliss Dealer yourself on Amazon here.

Learn more about the author Nedelcho Dimitrov,

Wednesday, June 21, 2017

Sorry for the long time since my last post.

Hi everyone.
I have been away from my blog for a very long time but that is about to change as I share new things that I have been reviewing. From beauty items to food items to pet care items and so much more. Since summer is here, I have my kids at home so things get a bit crazy and I had to reformat my old computer because of a bad Win 10 update. Those of you that know me know I fix computers as well as review and design jewerly. So I do stay fairly busy. Be on the lookout for new posts from me this week, I am also looking to start adding VLog posts to this blog as well. A bit faster and I feel they are a bit more personal about reviewing items. Anyhow, it's been a long time and I am ready to get back at it!

Monday, November 28, 2016

Magic Sketch Giveaway

Enter to win one of this year's hottest toys! The Magic Sketch will keep your kid entertained for hours. This toy includes lots of different things to be traced as well as many fun activities. It is more then just a sketch board. It comes with a battery that will last for 7 years! That is amazing and will keep children of all ages playing.  The battery is east to replace as well. Do you have an active child that loves to draw? Tired of paper everywhere or broken crayons and markers? This is a great solution to your childs active mind and play.

Check it out here!

This giveaway is brought to you from Life of a mad typer and Boogie board. Good luck to all that enter! 18 + only. USA only Entries will be verified Winner will have 48 hours to verify or another winner will be chosen. This blog is not responsible for shipping or lost prizes.


Tuesday, August 23, 2016

Joly Life Wakeup Juice Recipe

Joly Life Juicing Recipe!

Wakeup Juice!
4 Large Carrots
1 large stalk of Celery with leaves still on
Optional 1-green apple

This juice wakes you up really fast and if you are not much for veggie juices alone the green apple cuts thru and gives it a mild and natural sweetness.  Very yummy and has beta carotene, vitamin A, B complex, D, E, K, C, Iron, Calcium, sodium, potassium, magnesium and maganese, 


You can also save the pulp and turn them into a veggie or fruit sauce...(think applesauce consistancy) or you can use the pulp in your garden as fertilizer.

Mamma Chia Cherry Charge Review

Hello followers!

I have gotten into looking for healthier ways to get protein so I can get the most out of my food and beverages.

One of the new things I have tried was a brand called Mamma Chia and I love the flavor o this brand.
I have tried lots of the beverages offered and my favorite recently is the Cherry Charge as pictured below.

If you want to try a way to spruce up your drinks you should check out this brand.  It is very tasty and good for you.

Using Chia and energy from Guayusa and fresh juices you get a wonderful boost of energy without the crash. You also get a boost of 2500 omega 3s. This was great for me as my Dr is asking me to take omega 3 suppliments for my eyes.  Now I can get them in a delicious drink as well.

Follow Mamma Chia on

"Seed your soul" Today!

Disclaimer - The Joly Life recieved no compensation for this review. This is my honest and unbiased opinion. "seed your soul" quote from As always I love to bring new products to my audience.

Monday, August 15, 2016

Live in an Apartment? Suffer with roaches. MUST READ!

Hello everyone.

So today I have a product to tell you about that is amazing. This is a touchy subject for many people because it involves bugs. Now let me tell you first hand ANYONE can get roaches. No matter how clean your house is. Climate can get them to fun inside, water leaks, cracks in your foundation. You will be surprised. So here we go.  We moved into our house about 5 years ago and we saw one or two roaches. I was able to get rid of the few with combat gel and the female egg stoppers. But recently we had an issue with water leaks and I discovered that we were not as finished with roaches as we first thought.

I have been battling them the last few months with 0 success. I was getting so sick and tired of them and then it just seems like they are laughing at us and just getting worse. My issue with this mess was a leaking washer that I am still fighting with to fix completely. I was at my wits end and about to try an exterminator when I found a product that finally works.

I am writing this because I literally can not believe the carnage. It is scary to think what looked like a small roach issue is actually a bigger one once you can see them dying and their friends carrying them off to feed the real army of buggers hiding in your walls.  Ok I know this sounds outrageous but honestly it really works.

Being a reviewer I checked reviews first and found conflicting answers.  The product is called Advion.

 It was made by Dupont and was in a red container. (see image)

The new stuff comes in a blue container and the reviews stated the RED was like roach crack and the BLUE didn't work so I was bit iffy on trying it but decided to see because those reviews were several years old. I figured if they read their reviews they would know to go back to old formula. I am glad to say I was right. THEY ARE THE SAME PRODUCT!!

So anyhow. I have been using this product for less then 24 hours. I have watched carnage.  I am sweeping multiple times a day and they are either dead or dying. They run in circles like they are drunk. Here is another thing. You know how with the average household gels you are back a month later and cleaning up what was never eaten?  Um, I was shocked to say the least that ALL of the bait was GONE in less then 24 hours.  It literally is like a feast for them. I expected to see the bait drying out or nasty by morning. I can find no traces of it and the second it is down, they come out from everywhere even places you could not think they could even get into.

I ordered 4 more tubes of  Advion. I figure this. I paid $11 for one tube and $27 for 4 of the same size tubes. Based on other success stories with this product they claim carnage the first several days and by the end of a week it is almost full kill. Updated reviews claim that total kill happens in less then a week and they bought extra too and only put it down maybe once or twice a year.  And only if they see something. This product has also been used in apartments where total kill is near impossible due to how others live or how long an infestation has been rampant in a building.

This has been the answer to my prayers and it is easy to place the bait and walk away but be ready for the carnage that will follow and you can laugh knowing they are dying and once they are gone you have something that will kill the total populace. I am so happy with this product that I had to share. I did not receive any compensation for this post. I am just thrilled and relieved that there really is something out that that kills them like it says it does and I won't have to get an exterminator for the next who knows how many years. This product deserves not 5 stars but literally 10 stars because it does exactly what it claims and it doesn't cost you an arm and a leg. Very easy to apply and cleanup is virtually none (other then the dead roaches) as the product does its job.

I hope this will help you all as you start families, move into places unknown, or get your own dreaded used appliance that came with *friends*. We all have dealt with this pests at one point or another and now you don't have to worry anymore. Want more info? Here is the PDF from Dupont about how this product works.


Follow SYNGENTA  for more info. They are the new carriers of this product!
